
As a writer

In 2018 Andrew released his first collection of writing, The Space Between The Words.

This anthology was utilised by teachers across sydney, commended by prominent names of the poetry community and was experienced through readings conducted across the country.

Following the success of the stage production co-written and produced by Andrew, The Street Poets, he worked with local Central Coast writers on building a published collection of poetry by the same name.  Two of his written works became standout pieces of the book released by Musicians Making A Difference (MMAD) late 2018.

As a performer

Andrew has been a finalist in major, nationwide poetry competitions including the Bankstown Poetry Slam and the Australian Poetry Slam. As prominent emerging voice of the Sydney poetry community, in 2018 he was a featured artist at Sydney Writers Festival, and the Sydney Contemporary Art Fair.

These prestigious events and following successes have seen Andrew perform in noteable rooms including: the Art Gallery of NSW, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Town Hall, the International Convention Centre (ICC) and even Canberra’s Parliament House.

As an educator

During Andrew’s short career as a contracted teacher of writing workshops and facilitator of poetry programs, his portfolio shows clearly that his teaching methods leads to results.

In 2018, as a facilitator of Bankstown Poetry Slams’ “Real Talk” program the two students who tied-equal first place, were both students of Andrew.

High school teachers across Sydney and further throughout Australia have seen lasting impact from inviting Andrew to reach their student with the power of poetry.

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